After you  get your company foundation act from State Registering Agency (locally APR) and you finish procedure of opening bank accounts (local – obligatory and – or hard currency optional-advise to do this also). Next step is to provide legal representative with  digital or e signature . Local name for this is qualified electronical  certificate , commonly know as e signature (short). To do so , you have to go to authorized issuer. Only those issuer can you provide with legal and valid signature. List of the companies are doing so is:

1. Serbian Post Office (Javno preduzeće ’’Pošte Srbije’’)

2. Serbian Chamber of Commerce (Privredna komora Srbije)

3. Certification authority of Serbian Police (Sertifikaciono telo MUP Republike Srbije)

4. Halcom CA,

5. „E- Smart Systems“ d.o.o. – Smart Systems Certification Body

Documents have to be prepared before  registration are:

  • Act of registration from APR side
  • Personal id of legal representative (personal id if the legal representative is local person, or Passport if the legal representative is foreigner)
  • Licensed signatures form. This form you can get at Notary office , nearest one

Sometime you can be asked to present documents Registration of residence for foreigners , meaning temporary residence . This document you will be provided by Police Station -Immigration office .

E signature certificate can be issued in form of plastic card with integrated chip, computer  usb (stick)  or e certificate in cloud

Finally we have to emphasize  usage of this e certificate. Below is the list of applications

1.Electronic banking

2. E-invoices

3. APR, Signing of financial statements

4. Tax Administration, E-taxes

5. Central register of compulsory social insurance

6. SAOP, miniMAX & iCenter – online bookkeeping

7. Republic Health Insurance Fund, electronically


8. eGovernment portal

9. National Bank of Serbia

10. Customs Administration, eBusiness

11. RATEL, internet counter

12. Encryption of documents (MS Office, PDF, Outlook…)