If you decide to establish company here in Serbia, you should to know following:

  1. Legal form of the company
  2. How to do so
  3. Who could help me in this endeavor
  4. And many other thinks (facts)

 First step First you have to be familiar with local legislation to choose wisely legal form of the company. Basically local legislation stipulated following  forms:

1-limited liability company (LLC)

2-Shareholers company


4-Limited company (Ltd)

5-Representative office




Second step Prepare all papers and decisions prescribe by local registration agency. (link: https://www.apr.gov.rs/home.1435.html). This step you can done by yourself (not recommended), hire local agency specialized for establishing  or hire local lawyer office (highly recommended e.g. dejandubajic@advokatdubajic.rs). In this phase you have to know address of the company, will you company will be in VAT system, do you either hire local person as CEO -legal representative of the company  , or not. Also you have to decide about your core business (business field of operations) At the beginning you can register you as the legal representative and not to enter in VAT system(highly recommended).

Third step  After register you company at local registry agency you have to , open bank account in local and foreign currency.

Fourth step Legal representative have to have  personal digital signature. That can be done at Halcom, Local police statin (only residents of Serbia, Trade union  of Serbia, e smart system ….) Also you have to find local accountant agency .  If you do not know local accountant you can find it at portal https://www.knjigovodje.rs/

Fifth step You have to register your company at

local tax office https://www.purs.gov.rs/ ,

local  social security agency https://croso.gov.rs/cir/index.php

This step can be finish by hiring local accountant agency . That will be smartest and fastest solution

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